Statistics -
Ironman Tulsa 2023

  About the Competition


LocationTulsa, Oklahoma, USA



  Results - Men

# Name Time
1 Clay Emge 08:55:09
2 Ross Harper 09:07:47
3 Mark Villwock 09:10:59 more Results

  Results - Women

# Name Time
1 Jessica Jones Lasley 09:43:49
2 Christine Warren 10:13:47
3 Andrea Richardson 10:24:10 more results

  Athletes / Gender


  Athletes / Finish


  Athletes / Country

Country Athletes
United States 486
Canada 19
Mexico 10
Peru 8
France 4
Brazil 3
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of 3
China 2
Argentina 2
Greece 2
Costa Rica 2
Ecuador 2
Spain 2
Ukraine 1
Egypt 1
Turkey 1
Belgium 1
United Kingdom 1
Estonia 1
Germany 1
Chile 1
Japan 1
Korea, Republic of 1
Slovakia 1
Australia 1
Colombia 1
Philippines 1
Dominican Republic 1
Italy 1
India 1
Cayman Islands 1
Israel 1

  Athletes / Age Group

Age Group Athletes
M35-39 69
M40-44 64
M30-34 56
M50-54 56
M45-49 54
M25-29 42
M55-59 38
M18-24 32
M60-64 29
F45-49 20
F35-39 19
F30-34 16
F50-54 15
F40-44 14
F55-59 12
M65-69 7
F18-24 5
M70-74 4
F60-64 4
F65-69 3
F70-74 2
F25-29 2
M75-79 1

  Athletes / Finishtime

Time Athletes
08:00 - 08:59 1
09:00 - 09:59 16
10:00 - 10:59 38
11:00 - 11:59 73
12:00 - 12:59 102
13:00 - 13:59 95
14:00 - 14:59 70
15:00 - 15:59 61
16:00 - 16:59 39

  Average Times

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  Map - Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

  Men - Estimated slots for Ironman Hawaii qualification

AG Slots First Last Avg.
M18-24 4 09:19:59 10:02:49 09:42:35
M25-29 5 09:31:20 10:39:49 10:09:25
M30-34 7 09:07:47 10:17:57 09:42:41
M35-39 8 08:55:09 10:50:58 10:10:47
M40-44 8 09:10:59 10:32:12 09:59:56
M45-49 7 10:25:10 11:57:17 11:10:14
M50-54 7 10:57:44 11:45:51 11:20:24
M55-59 5 10:33:51 11:32:20 11:08:57
M60-64 4 10:24:36 12:18:15 11:33:13
M65-69 1 11:41:08 11:41:08 11:41:08
M70-74 1 14:03:31 14:03:31 14:03:31

  Women - Estimated slots for Ironman Hawaii Qualification

AG Slots First Last Avg.
F18-24 1 11:56:06 11:56:06 11:56:06
F25-29 1 13:04:49 13:04:49 13:04:49
F30-34 2 10:52:36 11:06:53 10:59:45
F35-39 3 10:13:47 10:47:12 10:28:23
F40-44 2 11:10:23 12:34:53 11:52:38
F45-49 3 09:43:49 11:11:46 10:39:27
F50-54 2 11:39:05 12:18:37 11:58:51
F55-59 2 10:35:33 11:51:44 11:13:39
F60-64 1 15:18:48 15:18:48 15:18:48
F65-69 1 14:11:06 14:11:06 14:11:06

  Ironman Hawaii qualification times

Compare the qualification times of all Ironman races across the world: Ironman Hawaii qualification times for all age groups

The Kona slot allocation at the Ironman Tulsa 2023: Age Groups and Hawaii Qualification


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