Statistics -
Ironman Wisconsin 2022

  About the Competition


LocationMadison, Wisconsin, USA



  Results - Men

# Name Time
1 Brent McMahon 08:36:01
2 Cody Beals 08:50:23
3 Adam Feigh 09:04:25 more Results

  Results - Women

# Name Time
1 Chloe Lane 09:45:21
2 Jessica Smith 09:53:31
3 Melanie McQuaid 10:06:35 more results

  Athletes / Gender


  Athletes / Finish


  Athletes / Country

Country Athletes
United States 1355
Canada 31
Japan 7
United Kingdom 5
Australia 4
Germany 3
France 3
Philippines 3
Puerto Rico 3
Mexico 3
Bulgaria 2
Turkey 2
Spain 2
Ireland 2
Czech Republic 2
Brazil 2
Guam 2
Netherlands 2
India 2
Sweden 2
Belgium 1
South Africa 1
Trinidad and Tobago 1
New Zealand 1
Portugal 1
Malaysia 1
Korea, Republic of 1
Kenya 1
Viet Nam 1
Sri Lanka 1
Luxembourg 1
Costa Rica 1
Dominican Republic 1
Hungary 1

  Athletes / Age Group

Age Group Athletes
M40-44 166
M45-49 150
M35-39 144
M50-54 140
M30-34 132
M25-29 104
M55-59 81
F40-44 71
F50-54 58
M60-64 54
F35-39 52
F45-49 52
M18-24 47
F25-29 42
F30-34 32
F55-59 28
M65-69 23
F18-24 14
F60-64 11
M PC 5
F65-69 4
M70-74 3
F PC 1
F70-74 1

  Athletes / Finishtime

Time Athletes
08:00 - 08:59 2
09:00 - 09:59 13
10:00 - 10:59 29
11:00 - 11:59 56
12:00 - 12:59 133
13:00 - 13:59 159
14:00 - 14:59 222
15:00 - 15:59 228
16:00 - 16:59 174
17:00 - 17:59 4

  Average Times

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  Map - Madison, Wisconsin, USA

  Men - Estimated slots for Ironman Hawaii qualification

AG Slots First Last Avg.
M18-24 2 10:31:11 10:38:36 10:34:54
M25-29 4 09:51:33 10:59:20 10:29:21
M30-34 5 09:37:25 11:10:19 10:40:29
M35-39 5 10:29:20 11:21:49 10:58:36
M40-44 6 09:53:44 11:42:40 10:41:58
M45-49 5 10:28:08 10:42:38 10:36:40
M50-54 5 10:56:25 11:50:58 11:29:27
M55-59 3 11:25:08 12:36:39 11:55:13
M60-64 2 12:20:13 12:31:46 12:26:00
M65-69 1 12:45:33 12:45:33 12:45:33
M70-74 1 16:41:50 16:41:50 16:41:50

  Women - Estimated slots for Ironman Hawaii Qualification

AG Slots First Last Avg.
F18-24 1 11:57:08 11:57:08 11:57:08
F25-29 2 10:47:59 11:15:25 11:01:42
F30-34 2 11:04:33 11:54:51 11:29:42
F35-39 2 11:24:24 11:47:18 11:35:51
F40-44 3 11:19:42 12:36:08 11:46:23
F45-49 2 12:06:07 12:12:06 12:09:07
F50-54 2 12:03:51 12:15:13 12:09:32
F55-59 1 12:16:42 12:16:42 12:16:42
F60-64 1 14:37:29 14:37:29 14:37:29

  Ironman Hawaii qualification times

Compare the qualification times of all Ironman races across the world: Ironman Hawaii qualification times for all age groups

The Kona slot allocation at the Ironman Wisconsin 2022: Age Groups and Hawaii Qualification


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Performance Testing, Key Metrics, and Their Impact on Training and Racing

Best countries at the Ironman Hawaii 2022

Best countries at the Ironman Hawaii 2022

Statistics Ironman Hawaii 2022

Statistics Ironman Hawaii 2022