Endurance Data Blog

Best countries at the Ironman Hawaii 2018

Best countries at the Ironman Hawaii 2018

Which was the most successful country at the Ironman World Championship 2018?

A faster chain

A faster chain

When it comes to free speed, most triathletes think about disc wheels, aerodynamic helmets and expensive carbon frames. Many athletes ignore a crucial part of the bike, the chain.

Training session 1: Swimset André

Training session 1: Swimset André

At this point I would like to start with a new series and introduce different training sessions to you, which I came across in the last ten years of triathlon training.

Why you should run slow to run fast

Why you should run slow to run fast

Competitive running is all about running fast, so it is not surprising that when most people train, they train fast. But is this the best approach?

When Ironman Hawaii meets the Formula 1

When Ironman Hawaii meets the Formula 1

Have you ever wondered which nations are most successful at the Ironman World Championship in Kona? Here's a Formula 1 based nation-ranking!

Best Running Shoes for Marathon or Ironman Races

Best Running Shoes for Marathon or Ironman Races

Choosing the best running shoes for a marathon or endurance event can make a big difference to your chances of success.

Ironman pacing with powermeter and FTP

Ironman pacing with powermeter and FTP

Pacing yourself is key to success in any Ironman race. Powermeter and FTP can help you to translate all the hours of physical training to a good race result.

Methodology of the Hawaii slot allocation

Methodology of the Hawaii slot allocation

In order to analyse the distribution of slots across age groups, Endurance Data simulates the slot allocation methodology and can therefore provide a good assumption of the slot distribution.